distel を入れてみた

make する.あと erlang.el をコピる.
erlang-start.el は,初期設定でたぶんそのまま使えばいい.

$ cd distel
$ make
$ locate erlang.el|xargs diff # 念の為
$ cp `locate erlang.el|head -1` elisp
$ locate erlang-start.el|xargs diff # 念の為
$ cp `locate erlang-start.el|head -1` elisp

あとは,.emacs に適宜追加.

;; erlang
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-path ".emacs.d/distel/elisp" home))
(require 'erlang-start)
(require 'distel)

これで,*.erl への関連とか.M-x run-erlang も使えるようになる.

README にこんな記述が.
だけど,NetInfo Manager なんてもんは無い.
参考記事だと dscl を使うらしいけど,困ったら何かしよう.

Special notes for Mac OSX:

David Wallin reports the following procedure to setup Distel to work
on an OSX machine with no network connection:

1. Start NetInfo Manager.app (in /Applications/Utilities)
2. From NetInfo Manager, select the directory path
   "/machines/localhost" and mark property "name" and (and anytime
   before here: click on the lock and enter the password) choose
   "Append Value" from the "Directory" menu.
3. Enter your machine name as the appended value and Save.

This procedure is like putting " <hostname>" into /etc/hosts
on a UNIX machine. It's necessary so that Emacs can open sockets to
the localhost via the hostname part of a nodename without talking to
